Services & Clinics

We have a number of services and clinics available at our practice. In order to attend an appointment only clinic or surgery, please ring the reception or follow any details provided with the clinic information.

List of Services and Clinics

Childhood Immunisations:  It is important that children are fully immunised and, thanks to immunisation, illnesses such as measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus and polio are now rare.  Whooping cough is a distressing illness and is also preventable. HIB and meningitis C immunisation protects against two forms of meningitis in childhood. The practice strongly encourages parents and guardians to vaccinate their children.

Cervical Smears  These are always carried out either by one of the female doctors or by a qualified nurse. We hold a Well Woman Clinic on a Thursday afternoon focusing on the woman as a whole person looking at HRT, Contraception, Breast Awareness and Smears.  The clinic is run by our experienced nurse supported by the Doctor.

Contraception  We offer a full contraception service including the contraceptive pill, Depo Provera injection, coils and Implanon (a contraceptive implant that lasts for three years) and post-coital contraception (“morning after” pill).

Chronic Disease Clinics These are run by our experienced Practice Nurses.  We aim to offer a full assessment of your chronic disease on a yearly basis.

Housebound  All our housebound patients are offered structured care in their home setting

Health Promotion  We are committed to reducing the number of patients suffering from heart disease and strokes. It is important therefore that we detect those most at risk. One way we can do this  is  to record blood pressure, height, waist circumference, weight, alcohol and tobacco habits and family history of all our patients between the ages of 16 and 74. If you have not seen a doctor for three years or more, please make an appointment to see the nurse to have a health check.

Osteoporosis  We offer routine screening for all patients aged 65+. Osteoporosis can be a debilitating disease and by identifying the risk and commencing treatment, this disease can be prevented and treated.

Minor Surgery We have facilities for removing lumps and bumps which would normally  be  done at hospital. Please make a routine appointment first with the doctor for assessment.

Sexual Health Service Please ask for an appointment with our Sexual Health Doctor.

Substance Misuse including Drug and Alcohol; Smoking Cessation

Travel Vaccinations Please make an appointment with our practice nurse to arrange travel vaccinations


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