Patient Reference Group

Welcome to our patient reference group page

This is an informal and friendly group who meet every quarter.  The group is attended by a GP, Nurse, Health Care Assistant and Practice Manager.  We have seven patient members at the moment, three female and four male.  The age range of the group is 50 – 86 years.  One of our members is disabled, three members are in employment and three members retired. 

The purpose of the Patient Reference Group is to ensure that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided and, over time, commissioned by the practice.  This includes patients being involved in decisions that lead to changes to the services. The  group  is also responsible for setting priorities in the practice

You don’t need any experience or qualifications.  All we ask is that you are over 18 and you are genuinely interested in helping us to develop your surgery and provide services to a standard that you feel is acceptable.

There are a lot of changes in the way your surgery has to deliver services and this is where we need your help.  We want to give our patients a voice and  an active role —  this is your surgery!     This  is  your chance to become involved.


1. Attend our quarterly meetings

2. Be a virtual member by email

3. Or a mixture of the two, if you can’t attend a meeting still have your say and be involved by email

We will email you the agenda; minutes of meetings; canvass your views on various issues; ask you for your opinions and any suggestions; take forward your concerns or suggestions to the group; involve you in setting the practice priorities.   Why not give it a try and

Comments or suggestions

View patient questionnaires

View Patient Reference Group Report

PATIENT REFERENCE GROUP REPORT 2014/15 PRG evidence 2014 – 2015

 PRG Report 2013 – 2014

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